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June 28, 2024

Helium 10 supports 30+ Amazon marketplaces covering almost every major region worldwide. However, the platform doesn’t offer a complete toolkit for all marketplaces. 

In this article, I’ll dive deep into how Helium 10 can streamline your global Amazon selling journey from my experience and trial and error!

I’ll also uncover which tools excel in which marketplaces, helping you navigate any limitations and unlock the explosive potential of reaching new customer bases worldwide.   

By this post’s end, you can confidently expand and maximize your success on Amazon’s global stage!

Key Takeaways – Helium 10 Marketplaces

  • Helium 10 Market Coverage: The tool comprehensively supports major European, North/South American, and several Asian marketplaces. Middle Eastern and African markets have the most limitations.
  • Tool Availability Varies: Functionality isn’t uniform across all regions. Always check Helium 10’s support site for specifics on the country and tool you’re considering.
  • Growth Potential: Multi-marketplace selling on Amazon offers substantial benefits with regard to audience reach, risk reduction, and strategic market utilization.
  • Managing Complexity: Expanding globally means tackling challenges like logistics, translation, and region-specific regulations.
  • Helium 10 as an Aid: This tool suite eases navigation in multiple marketplaces but shouldn’t replace a seller’s in-depth market knowledge.

List Of Amazon Marketplaces Helium 10 Support

List of Amazon Marketplaces Helium 10 Support:

1. Europe

  • Amazon.co.uk (United Kingdom): Amazon’s marketplace receives 50,844 million visitors annually, and an estimated 43% of the platform’s sellers live in the country.
  • Amazon.de (Germany): The German Amazon platform receives an estimated 60,538 million visitors annually, and an estimated 43% of the platform’s sellers live in the country.
  • Amazon.fr (France): The French Amazon platform has an annual traffic of 269.79 million, with most sellers also from the United Kingdom.
  • Amazon.it (Italy): a total of 251.72 million people visit the Italian Amazon marketplace annually, along with 1/4th of sellers from the UK. Also, the platform’s official language is Italian.
  • Amazon.es (Spain): The Spanish Amazon marketplace has 198.25 million users, and the platform’s language is Spanish.
  • Amazon.nl (Netherlands): About 32.93 million users utilize the Amazon platform in the Netherlands, which is a small part of the European population.
  • Amazon.be (Belgium): Similar to the Netherlands, Belgium’s Amazon marketplace is one of the smallest in Europe, with only 32.11 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.pt (Portugal): The Portuguese Amazon marketplace is relatively new, having launched on March 6, 2021. It has 11.4 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.se (Sweden): The Swedish Amazon marketplace launched on October 28th, 2020, making it one of the most recently added. Hence, it only has 10.29 million visitors per year.
  • Amazon.dk (Denmark): Launched on March 18, 2021, the Danish Amazon marketplace is another recent addition. It has 5.4 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.fi (Finland): Similar to Denmark and Portugal, Finland’s Amazon marketplace is new, with a launch date of March 18, 2021. It has 3.4 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.no (Norway): Launched on September 26, 2023, the Norwegian Amazon marketplace is one of the newest additions. It has 2.8 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.ch (Switzerland): The Swiss Amazon marketplace launched on March 24, 2021. It has 4.3 million annual visitors.

2. North And South America

  • Amazon.com (United States): The Amazon marketplace in the United States is the biggest globally, with 2.7 billion visitors a year. It’s a highly competitive but also lucrative market.
  • Amazon.ca (Canada): Canada’s Amazon platform is the second biggest in North America, getting 233 million annual visitors. The Canadian market offers a strong opportunity for US sellers looking to expand.
  • Amazon.com.br (Brazil): The Brazilian Amazon marketplace boasts roughly 189 million annual users. Portuguese is the official language on this platform.
  • Amazon.com.mx (Mexico): Amazon in Mexico is a growing market with roughly 123 million visitors each year. Spanish is the main language here.

3. Far East And India

  • Amazon.in (India): India’s Amazon marketplace is massive and rapidly growing, boasting roughly 295 million visitors annually. Understanding regional nuances and tailoring your approach to the Indian market is crucial.
  • Amazon.sg (Singapore): Singapore’s Amazon market is a strong launchpad for Southeast Asia, with 3.1 million annual visitors. English is widely spoken, making it accessible for many sellers.
  • Amazon.my (Malaysia): The Malaysian Amazon marketplace is still developing but shows good potential, with around 2.1 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.ph (Philippines): Amazon’s presence in the Philippines is relatively new, but the marketplace is gaining traction with around 1.5 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.com.au (Australia): The Australian market is well-established, with Amazon seeing around 42.6 million visitors per year. It’s a good market for those familiar with Western selling practices.
  • Amazon.co.jp (Japan): Japan’s Amazon marketplace is the third-largest globally, with a massive 533 million annual visitors. Localizing your products and understanding Japanese consumer preferences is key.
  • Amazon.cn (China): Amazon holds a smaller share of China’s vast e-commerce market. It receives approximately 107 million visitors annually. Success in China requires in-depth market knowledge and adaptation.
  • Amazon.tw (Taiwan): The Amazon marketplace in Taiwan welcomes around 17 million visitors per year.
  • Amazon.hk (Hong Kong): Similar to Taiwan, the Hong Kong Amazon marketplace features around 16.5 million annual visits.
  • Amazon.th (Thailand): The Amazon marketplace in Thailand is relatively new, attracting around 6.7 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.id (Indonesia): Indonesia’s Amazon marketplace is developing and showcases around 5.9 million annual visitors.
  • Amazon.vn (Vietnam): The Vietnamese Amazon marketplace is still in its early stages, featuring around 5.1 million annual visits.

4. Middle East And Africa

  • Amazon.sa (Saudi Arabia): Saudi Arabia is a rapidly growing market for Amazon, attracting an estimated 61 million visitors annually. Understanding local culture and preferences is key for success here.
  • Amazon.ae (United Arab Emirates): The UAE boasts a mature Amazon marketplace with around 53 million visitors a year. It’s a good entry point for the Middle East region, and English is commonly used.
  • Amazon.eg (Egypt): Amazon’s reach in Egypt is expanding, with a current estimate of around 35 million visitors annually. Arabic is the primary language on this platform.

If you are looking forward to selling in the Middle East, you can check out this amazing video that helped me get more clarity. 

Connecting Helium 10 With An Amazon Marketplace

To connect Helium 10 with an Amazon marketplace, sellers can follow the following steps:

Step #1: Create a Helium 10 account and obtain the necessary credentials.

Step #2: Access the Helium 10 dashboard and navigate to the blue option titled ‘ Connect to Amazon. ‘

Helium 10 Marketplaces - Dashboard

Step #3: Select the relevant account type for your selling requirement.

Connect Your Seller Account

Step #4: Select a relevant marketplace to connect with.

Select a relevant marketplace

Step #5: Select your region to connect the seller central to your Helium 10.

seller central to your Helium 10

Step #6: Complete the authorization process related to your seller partner account.

Complete the authorization process

Step #7: Viola! Our seller account has been successfully added. 

successfully added

Step #8: Verify the connection and ensure data is synchronized accurately between Helium 10 and the Amazon marketplace.

Limitation Of Helium 10 Tools In Amazon Marketplaces

Here are detailed limitations of Helium 10 tools in all of its Amazon Marketplaces.

1. Features Available in the European Marketplaces.

  • Generally Good Support: Most key Helium 10 tools function properly across major European marketplaces (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain).
  • Keyword Data Depth: Some find the keyword data to be richer for the US marketplace versus European ones. You may discover fewer available metrics for less common languages depending on the tool.
  • Limited Availability: Several tools have reduced or no functionality in EU regions:
    • Trendster (product demand forecasting)
    • Inventory Protector
    • Mobile App (Certain features limited)

2. Features available in the North and South American Marketplaces.

  • Strongest Support: Tools are primarily designed with the US Amazon marketplace in mind. Helium 10 offers robust functionality across the US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil.
  • Specific Limitations: While most tools work, some features may be absent or restricted for specific marketplaces (e.g., detailed advertising metrics available in certain countries only).

3. Features available in the Far East and Indian Marketplaces.

  • Developing Support: Helium 10 is actively expanding in Asia, but its toolset isn’t always as robust as established marketplaces.
  • Check Individual Tools: Functionality often varies depending on the specific tool. Popular tools like Black Box, Cerebro, and Xray often work within limitations, but more data-heavy features might be limited.
  • Marketplace Gaps: Helium 10 may not yet support newer Amazon locations within this region. Always do your due diligence about a specific country’s availability.

4. Features Available in the Middle Eastern and African Marketplaces 

  • Least Supported Region: These marketplaces see the most significant limitations in terms of Helium 10’s tools.
  • Limited Tools: Only core features like Xray or Cerebro (with caveats) are likely to function.
  • Constant Evaluation: Expect Helium 10 to invest more development resources over time as these marketplaces grow.

Why Sell In Multiple Amazon Marketplaces?

Expanding your Amazon sales strategy beyond a single marketplace unlocks tremendous growth potential. I say this with confidence because when I was selling solely within my country, I was stuck with limited returns. 

However, as I started learning more about different marketplaces, I got to know more about how I could grow my business easily. 

Let’s see what are the benefits selling in Multiple Amazon Marketplaces bring:

1. Risk Mitigation and Sales Stability:

  • Reduced Market Dependence: You avoid putting all your eggs in one basket by being active in multiple Amazon marketplaces. Should one market experience disruption (policy changes, increased competition), other markets sustain your revenue stream.
  • Resilience Through Diversification: Economic fluctuations, changing consumer preferences, or even Amazon policy updates can disproportionately affect a single market. A multi-marketplace presence insulates your business from such localized events.

2. Expanded Customer Reach and Sales Growth

  • Global Audience: Amazon’s various marketplaces encompass millions of shoppers with different needs and spending habits. Tap into diverse customer demographics to maximize sales.
  • Increased Visibility: Each marketplace is an entry point for new customers to discover your brand. Multiply your brand reach exponentially across markets.
  • Note: Keywords, descriptions, and advertising tailored to regional differences in a customer’s native language will boost conversion rates.

3.  Strategic Leveraging of Market Trends:

  • Seasonal Adaptation: Capitalize on holidays, special events, and weather variations unique to a region. Adjust marketing, sales, and even product selection accordingly.
  • Demand Fluctuations: Identify product lines performing exceptionally well in certain marketplaces. Optimize inventory management for each specific location.
  • Note: Localize seasonal terms. For example, “back-to-school” searches will vary in timing and keywords across the globe.

4. Brand Expansion and Global Recognition:

  • Market Establishment: Gain a foothold in new locales, building brand credibility as you consistently engage customers. Become a known entity in various international markets.
  • Reputation Consolidation: Positive customer experiences in one marketplace carry over, positively influencing new markets as your brand grows recognized.
  • Note: Brand perception varies by region. Tailor your messaging and visuals for cultural sensitivity, increasing trust and affinity across diverse marketplaces.

5. Important Additional Notes:

  • Complexity: Entering multiple marketplaces brings challenges: logistics, customer service in different languages, and complying with regional regulations.
  • Tools for Growth: Third-party solutions (like Helium 10) exist to streamline tasks, offer translation support, and analyze multi-marketplace data.

Related Read:

Conclusion: Helium 10 Supports All Major Geolocations

Sellers who are looking to expand their Amazon business globally can benefit from Helium 10, as it supports multiple marketplaces worldwide. 

Multi-marketplace expansion increases a seller’s footprint, reduces risk, and taps into diverse customer preferences. If you are already using Helium 10, it is crucial to evaluate what feature set it offers in your preferred marketplace. If you are new, make sure to check all the details from the official website before investing in the platform.

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